After this article, you will probably catch your mind racing back to every instance in which you ever threw away a wine cork. You’ve never really given it any thought. Open the bottle, toss the cork. Well here’s why you should take a second to pocket them in the future! Enjoy.
1. A card, note or reminder holder.
2. Fruit or sweets bowl.
3. Depending on how much of a connoisseur you are, maybe you can save up enough for a chair.
4. A décor or scrapbooking stamp.
5. Hot pads don’t have to look bad.
6. And wreaths aren’t always made from branches.
7. A purse you can be sure none of your girlfriends bought.
8. Bathroom rugs can be more than just functional.
9. Check out this note a scrap board.
10. Original decorations.
11. Jewelry needs to be displayed and accessible.
12. Romantic idea number one.
13. Your kids will love making this one with you.
14. Cute little succulent plant holders.
15. Knife and opener handles.
16. Make your own table lamp.
17. Shake it up for your wedding tables.
18. A picnic basket.
19. A stylish wine table.
20. Vintage chandelier? No problem.