Easy Idea For Some Jaw Dropping Remodeling

Two Australian women came up with a way to creatively spice up the look of any wall or other surface. Few of us would turn down the opportunity to make some changes to our home décor, if it only didn’t require so much time and financial input. You’ll want to keep reading this one.

Credit: Youtube | Dale Alcock Homes

You will need:

  • some masking tape
  • three paint colors of your choice

Let’s get to work!

Start by cleaning your wall, eliminating any dirt or dust that could hinder the process.

Once the wall is ready, use the masking tape to create whatever shapes you fancy, creating any number of geometric shapes.

Next paint each puzzle segment as you see fit.

Make sure not to go outside the lines made by the tape with your roller. These lines serve as a divide between each respective segment.

Look at the gorgeous results! Your guests will think you hired a high-end designer to do it for you!

Another option is to create shapes based on the photographs to be hung on your wall. Isn’t that cute?

To find out more on this method, take a look at this video:

This basic, be brilliant idea will give life and originality to any room you choose to apply it to! Go for it!

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