Etsy antiquing

I love antiques–glamorous old stuff is so beautiful (bonus if it’s slightly decrepit). The problem is, I don’t really like antique stores. They smell gross. And forget finding treasures at Goodwill, that has happened to me exactly never.

My favorite place to find old accessories with character is Etsy! It’s easily searchable antique shopping without the smell or frustration. Just like regular old antique shopping, there are good prices and totally ridiculous ones. Here are some beautiful antiques I’ve been coveting:

Botanical Charts from Bonnie & Bell

Teacups from The Other Life Vintage

Art Nouveau Brass Hangers from Ma Maison Francaise

(No clue what you’d do with these big, heavy things… but they’re gorgeous.)

Dictionary Sheet from Green Shed Vintage

Black Horse Lamp from High Street Market

(Expensive) Persian Rug from Old New House

Have you found any great antiques on Etsy?

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