Fashion DIY Tutorial: Blouse With Lace

We now open the fourth door of my DIY Advent Calendar and behind it lies an old blouse, which has given to me by Lena with her permission that I may change it. Soon I got a “Pimp” idea with some lace.

I have used lingerie-lace because it is elastic and thus not only spiced up my shirt but also gave a closer fit to the blouse. For this effect, the lace should be very elastic, and the extent slightly shorter than the blouse.

Material And Tools – For This DIY Project You Need

  1. Blouse
  2. Lace (preferably a little wider, because the effect is better)
  3. Satin, Crepe or another fine band
  4. Safety Pin
  5. Pins
  6. Sewing kit or Sewing machine

DIY Tutorial: The Step-By-Step Craft Instructions

DIY Step 1

Cut the lace to the desired length. The best way is to fix it is dressed in front of a mirror with pins on the blouse.

DIY Step 2

First, you should sew the lace at the front along the placket. Important: Leave a few centimeters in the middle free from sewing to bring in the band easily later on.

DIY Step 3

Now sew the lace around the blouse. If you, as recommended, are using an elastic lace, please remember that the lace and the blouse are always tense to get a constant gather.

DIY Step 4

The new shirt is almost done, it just needs the band. Attach a safety pin to one end so that the band can traverse more easily through the lace.

DIY Step 5

Move-in the band and then cut to the desired length. DONE!

DIY Tutorial – Final Result “Blouse With Lace”

DIY Final Result From the Front

FINAL DIY Result From the Side

DIY Final Result From Behind.

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