Because of the bad weather at the weekend I have made this DIY tutorial that some of you have desired. With this design, you can tinker rings, necklaces, and brooches. There are no limits to your imagination.
Material And Tools – For This DIY Project You Need
- picture motif, for example from magazines, postcards, and something similar. For some of my necklaces, I have used cinema popcorn bags with movie star designs.
- necklace medallion, ring blanks, bottle caps, or any other smooth surface that you want to use as a base for the design.
- glossy varnish
- pencil
- scissors and/or cutter
- tweezers
- paintbrush
DIY Tutorial: the Step-by-Step Craft Instructions
DIY Step 1 Marking The Outline
Place the medallion (or whatever base you took) on your picture and mark the outline with a pencil.
DIY Step 2 Cutting Out
Cut out the picture motif.
DIY Step 3 Coating With Gloss Varnish
Coat the base with a very thin layer of gloss varnish …
DIY Step 4 Attaching The Picture
… and put your picture on it carefully with tweezers. Do not press the image firmly.
IMPORTANT: Use only the gloss varnish to glue the photo onto the base. In conjunction with another gluten, it could happen, that the consistency of the paint is not compatible with the adhesive and maybe destroyed the paper motif.
DIY Step 5
Allow to dry a few minutes and then again “seal” the surface with a very thin layer of gloss varnish. Do not be frightened, if the paint over the picture looks milky – the gloss gets pretty clear when it is dry completely;).
Allow the finished “medallion” a few more hours to dry. For getting a more beautiful shiny surface, apply another layer of gloss varnish preferably the next day. DONE!