These feathers I collected during my last vacation during a walk on the beach once have adorned lucky ducks of Lake Garda. I like the idea to wear a small piece of holiday memory as jewelry. And I think these feathers seem much brighter and their color gradients are far more alive than the ones bought in the craft store.
Material And Tools – For This DIY Project You Need
- Firm feathers (marabou feathers are not suitable)
- Glitter paint (glitter nail polish also works)
- Chain
- Small connecting rings (I’ve taken a couple of loose chain links)
- Calottes or connection caps
- Scissors
- Pliers
DIY Tutorial: The Step-By-Step Craft Instructions
DIY Step 1
Cut the feathers – ie free them from the thick stem ends.
DIY Step 2
Attach the feathers in the connection caps.
TIP: If you put a drop of glue on the feather before closing, the connection cap will hold even better.
DIY Step 3
Brush the feather peaks with glitter. Of course, you can paint the complete feathers with glitter, but I think this way it looks better. Allow drying.
DIY Step 4
Attach the feathers to the chain. DONE!