This statement necklace from rope and copper wire is already one of my favorite pieces of jewelry! First, because the purple (my favorite fall color) harmonizes incredibly well with the copper wire, and (more importantly) second because of this rope necklace spices up each boring outfit (especially nice to turtlenecks) in no time. And the best for last: it gets crafted in just a few steps!
Material And Tools – For This DIY Project You Need
- Rope (length about 1.15m)
- Color matching yarn
- Copper wire
- Pencil
- Pliers
- Scissors
DIY Tutorial: The Step-By-Step Craft Instructions
DIY Step 1
Tightly wrap the copper wire around the pencil.
You need four 4 cm and one 1.5 cm long “wire-tubes”.
DIY Step 2
Pull the rope with both ends in the opposite direction through the first “wire-tube”.
DIY Step 3
Continue by pulling the rope through the remaining three long tubes. Do not tighten with too much force, but always leave about a centimeter of space between the tubes.
DIY Step 4
Now pull the two rope ends vertically through the short, 1.5cm long tube.
DIY Step 5
Wrap a small yarn just below the tube several times around the rope and knot it well. Finally, draw the short copper wire tube over the wound part of the rope.
TIP: To give the tassel a bit more volume, you should tie an additional piece of rope at this place.
DIY Step 6
Finally, untwist the rope ends so the single threads form a nice tassel. Now cut the tassel to an equal length. DONE!