28 Fun and Cute House Implements

Ever think that all of the boring old stuff that surrounds us in everyday life could use a little touch of fun?

28 Fun and Cute House Implements

1. If you are a great host and always strive to impress your guests with you hospitality and the care you put into everything, you will surely find this cutting board to your liking. Your salad will always be perfectly and symmetrically sliced!

And this cutting board with an integrated strainer for washing vegetables will greatly speed up the cooking process.

2. Egg frying rings are also a real find for people with an eye for great presentation. Fried eggs will be perfectly round and won’t stick together that way!

And if you want to impress your children or loved ones, these egg molds are perfect for that.

3. This spiral ink rod will make your pen last for a lot longer than usual.

4. Scissors with laser sighting are indispensable if you need to make a perfectly straight cut.

5. This little contraption will keep food from getting flushed out whenever you strain water from them.

6. This will help you cut bananas instantly, into perfect slices.

7. A little something for pizza lovers.

8. Perfect if you keep stepping on legos whenever you get the munchies late at night.

9. Great if you’re either very space-conscious or if your apartment isn’t that large, but you’ve got a lot of stuff that needs storing.

10. This will catch the eye of even the most cynical person.

11. Portable cup holders will literally change your life.

12. Now that’s a little weird but it sure seems handy.

13. I might need this pillow too.

14. Great if you love taking long baths after a hard day.

15. If you really don’t like having some toothpaste left over whenever you throw it out.

16. This’ll cure your insomnia for sure.

And this bed solves pretty much every problem cuddlebug couples face.

17. Great if some co-worker keeps stealing your lunch.

18. This programmable lamp is excellent for people who find it really hard to get up early in the morning. It has a timer, and whenever it hits, the petals will slowly open, and bathe you in warm light, almost like getting up with the sunrise in a country house. Guaranteed great mood all day, every day.

19. Completely evaporates any problems you might have with USB ports.

20. Perfectly sliced onion and intact fingers at the same time. Sold!

21. For femme fatales.

22. And shoe lovers.

23. If you like fun, and you like wine.

24. Sure makes counting days heaps more fun.

25. Great news for all those of us who wake up with sore limbs each morning.

26. An amazing find for book lovers.

27. Seems like a fun thing to have if you keep forgetting where you left your slippers.

28. This’ll help raise your mood if you constantly worry about your weight.

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